Understanding Hospice
For 25 years, hospice has been a fully covered benefit under Medicare. Hospice is also covered by Medicaid, most private insurance plans, HMOs and other managed care organizations

Our Mission:
Our Mission is to enable persons to live in peace and with dignity in a caring environment during the final stages of life by offering care and comfort both to them and to those with whom they share their lives.

We develop and provide individualized programs of care and supportive services during dying, death and bereavement that enhance quality of life by addressing physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs.

Our Vision:
Our vision is for patients to have a peaceful and meaningful end-of-life experience – one in which they have the time and physical capacity to get their affairs in order, have meaningful conversations with friends and loved ones and resolve any unfinished “business” in their lives.

Hospice Care Network (HCN) is a certified not-for-profit hospice organization, serving families and patients in Nassau, Suffolk and Queens Counties. Consisting of the former Hospice of the South Shore, Hospice Care of Long Island and Hospice Care of Queens, HCN has been caring for patients in their own homes, and in nursing homes and hospitals since 1988. It is one of the oldest, largest and most respected hospice organizations in the State of New York.

As a member of the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, HCN is committed to the highest quality care and is accredited by JCAHO as meeting the highest standards expected in the field. We also maintain close relationships with the Hospice and Palliative Care Association of New York State and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, always keeping current with the newest developments in the field of hospice and palliative care.

HCN does not discriminate in the hiring of personnel or in the provision of care regardless of race, color, disability, sex, sexual preference, age, handicap, marital status, or national origin.

Click here to view our 2006 Annual Report Form

Click here to view our 2007 Annual Report Form

Click here to view our 2008 Annual Report Form



I want to thank you for the care, and caring you gave to my wife during her final months, it was not only done professionally, but with such humanity it made my wife very comfortable, also thanks to all those who answered my phone calls and listened to all of my worries and questions.