Help For You & Your Loved One
Hospice Care Network (HCN) provides a road map to Care Givers that will enable them to secure the necessary services and care that their loved one needs at such a emotional and confusing time.
Care & Compassion When You Need It Most
At Hospice Care Network we understand the patient and family members’ needs, the decisions that you are facing, and the uncertainties you are feeling about the future. Our interdisciplinary team of professionals will help you and your family make the most of the remaining time you have together. We will keep you comfortable, support you and your loved ones, and be a trusted resource as you determine how you want to spend the rest of your life.

Care for All Ages
We individualize plans of care to accommodate the special needs of newborns, children, adolescents, and adults of all ages.

Meeting All your End-of-Life Needs
Comprehensive and individualized care plans are provided by an interdisciplinary team of highly skilled professionals: physicians, nurses, social workers, clergy, dietitians, aides, therapists, and volunteers. Care is designed to support the patient as well as the family, and includes:

 • Comprehensive medical and nursing care
 • Unmatched expertise in pain and symptom management
 • 24-hour on-call availability of a Hospice nurse
 • Emotional and spiritual support for the entire family
 • Drugs, medical supplies and equipment related to the terminal illness
 • Assistance with patients’ personal hygiene
 • Instruction for family members on the care of their loved one
 • Respite care, support and assistance from trained volunteers
 • Bereavement support for family members


As a nurse, I used to think of Hospice as caring for the physical and medical needs of the patient.  Boy was I wrong.  Besides treating my son with the dignity and respect that hospice stands for, the love and consideration that was poured out from everyone was exceptional.  The patience and kindness shown to our family will forever be remembered.