How To Get Help

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Call Us Any Time! (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Admissions/Referral Center:     

Click here to access Referral Form

After completing you can fax Referral Form to HCN's Admissions Office at 516-745-6227 or Simply Email it to to us at the following address:

Referrals can  be made by physicians, family members, friends, clergy, hospital social workers, discharge planners or others.  Patients and families are encouraged to call Hospice Care Network – whether or not they have a physician referral – to seek advice and information at any time during the illness. 

If it appears hospice care would be beneficial, the Hospice Care Network staff will work closely with all the appropriate people to help facilitate a referral and admission to our program. Meetings to discuss each patient’s unique needs will be arranged at a time and place that is convenient for family.

Who do we care for?
We individualize plans of care to accommodate the special needs of newborns, children, adolescents, and adults of all ages, their caregivers and family members.

Who pays for care?
Payment and Insurance issues will not create additional stress for patients when they enter the Hospice Care Network program.  Though everything will be fully explained upon admission to the program, these basic questions are usually asked by patients before entering our program:

  • Is hospice care covered by insurance?
  • What care and services are usually covered?
  • What are the charges for staying at one of the Hospice centers?
  • Is financial assistance available to those who may need it?
  • How are hospice services covered for nursing home patients?

When a patient qualifies medically for hospice care, Medicare, Medicaid and many private insurance policies have hospice benefits.  Special funds are put aside for military veterans.  People can choose to pay privately, or in some cases, Hospice Care Network bills on an “ability to pay” basis, or pro bono care.  Since some pay nothing or very little, contributions are utilized to offset expenses.  No patient is refused service based on inability to pay.

When a patient chooses Hospice, they are choosing “Quality of Life.”



I placed a call to hospice at a little after 9am on a Monday morning.  A nurse from Hospice Care Network was at my mother’s bedside before noon.  She was so kind and reassuring.  Her time with us gave the entire family a chance to prepare.