Help For You & Your Loved One
Hospice Care Network (HCN) is recognized in its communities as a leader in providing care and services for terminally ill patients and their families. HCN is soley dedicated to end-of-life care.

Entering Our Program

Patients are usually referred to Hospice by their physicians. However, referrals can also be made by family members, friends, clergy, hospital social workers, discharge planners or others. Patients and families are encouraged to call Hospice Care Network – whether or not they have a physician referral – to seek advice and information at any time during the illness.

If it appears hospice care would be beneficial, the Hospice Care Network staff will work closely with all the appropriate people to help facilitate a referral and admission to our program. Meetings to discuss each patient’s unique needs will be arranged at a time and place that is convenient for family.

Call Us Any Time! (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Admissions/Referral Center: 1-800-2-HOSPICE


"Hospice Care Network believes in making every day count for the patient diagnosed with advanced illness."