Hospice Services
The best way to see if Hospice Care Network can help you or a loved one is to give us a call.

Personal Services at Home
With our hospice services, patients can make the most of their final days in peace and comfort. Hospice Care Network provides in-home services for patients who prefer to stay in the comforts of their own. Our team can develop a program for everyday living, from medication delivery to daily activities.
Professional Assistance at The Hospice Inn
We can also assign patients to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or at our own care center. We extend our services to the following:
• Patients who have pain and symptom management needs requiring professional assistance
• Patients who are coping with their transition from the hospital to the hospice or their home
• Patients who have caregivers requiring a certain period of respite
• Patients who are in the final stages of their illnesses
The Hospice Inn features 18 private and fully furnished rooms that come with family-style kitchens, sunrooms, and outdoor terrace. Every room is designed to provide patients and their loved ones complete privacy and comfort during the final moments. The center is located along major highways of Nassau and Suffolk Counties, which gives families the convenience to visit their loved one any time.
We have physicians, nurses, and personal care aides who are always ready to deliver quality medical care. Hospice Care Network also has social workers, chaplains, and trained volunteers on-site to provide advice, companionship, and counseling to patients and their family.
Extensive Services at Franklin Medical Center's Hospice and Palliative Care Unit
We make arrangements for people who are in the final stages of life at Franklin Medical Center's Hospice and Palliative Care Unit. Patients can stay at private rooms with homelike décor. The center also has comfortable parlors and sleep-in accommodations for visiting family members. Dedicated and responsive staff members are always available on-site to make sure patients receive quality care.
High Quality Care in Nursing Homes
Hospice Care Network also works with nursing homes to provide high quality care for patients with terminal illness. Our services are covered by Medicare and other insurance plans, but patients may still need to pay the nursing home's fees. (Those with Medicaid don't have to pay for the room and board charge.)
We Protect Patient Privacy In Every Way!
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (1996) creates national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information. This law was enacted to protect patient privacy and improve the security, accuracy and integrity of the electronic transmission of health information. HIPAA provisions affect providers (that means Hospice Care Network), payers, and all other entities that share in the exchange of health information. This new law requires that a privacy notice be given to all patients and makes it illegal to release health information to inappropriate parties, or fail to adequately protect health information from release. If violated, civil and criminal penalties can be incurred.
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (1996) creates national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information. This law was enacted to protect patient privacy and improve the security, accuracy and integrity of the electronic transmission of health information. HIPAA provisions affect providers (that means Hospice Care Network), payers, and all other entities that share in the exchange of health information. This new law requires that a privacy notice be given to all patients and makes it illegal to release health information to inappropriate parties, or fail to adequately protect health information from release. If violated, civil and criminal penalties can be incurred.